Wint Wealth Alternative: Which one should you pick?

Alternate assets are used to diversify your portfolio so that you don’t end up losing your hard-earned money by investing in a single security. Let us suppose if the stock’s performance is high, you are good to go, but if the market suddenly takes a U-turn, you will lose all your money in a fraction of a second. That is why an app like Wint Wealth is crucial. Let us learn more about it.

What is Wint Wealth?

Wint Wealth is a bond investment platform for retail investors to earn a 9-11% interest rate in the XIRR payout method. It is a SEBI-regulated online platform that allows investors to keep their money safe, get decent returns and receive senior secure bonds with higher return rates and lesser risks. Earlier, the concept of bond market investing was only used by commercial banks and bond mutual funds. But tables have turned with the arrival of phrases like alternative asset investing and portfolio diversification. Wint Wealth is a platform that not only looks at private sector bonds but also prefers using good corporate credits so that they can offer higher yields to their investors. Investing through bond funds gives you more stable and consistent returns when the stocks mature. Bonds are considered less volatile and risky than stocks, but their returns are taxed, so you don’t get a high return rate on bonds compared to stocks. Usually, you are not allowed to create your bond portfolio through direct investment. Still, Wint makes it possible for retail investors to invest in bonds by diversifying them into small asset classes to minimize the risk of failure and yield higher returns. Let us now check out the first Wint Wealth alternative.


GoldenPi is another alternative for fixed return assets, which is safe and yields a higher return when an investment is made. It is a platform that is used to invest in bonds and debentures. The ideology behind making an online platform like this was to change the way how most people approached fixed income deposits. As a result, GoldenPi has been revolutionizing the investment pace since its launch. GoldenPi is a fintech company that makes bonds available for all retail investors so that they have a reliable source of income. If you are a regular investor at GoldenPi, you will have a consistent source of income, but the same is not guaranteed in the case of private equities. Your private equities will provide you with a return only upon IPO and listing on the stock exchange.

Grip Invest

Grip is a digital investment platform that provides risk-adjusted investment opportunities and a smooth investing experience using its tech-driven methods. Diversification helps investors to create wealth regardless of their investment size and makes non-market linked opportunities extremely simple and safe. Grip has a meticulous due diligence process that ensures the safety of the investments before partnering with a corporate. In addition, they focus on maintaining transparency and provide in-depth information about every investment opportunity. This platform is another great Wint Wealth alternative. The risk involved with Grip investment is that if a company fails to make a lease payment on time, the investor will not be able to recover that asset, and it will be automatically sold to generate leftover value. The good thing about Grip is that the minimum amount of investment here is 10,000 rupees. Moreover, you can invest in both lease and inventory-based products; the only difference here is that a lease is for 2-3 years, whereas an inventory comes with 6-month tenure.

Similarities between Wint Wealth and Grip Invest

Here are some features that are common in both apps.

Apart from being online tech platforms Wint and Grip Invest provide easy investment facilities and provides alternative methods to diversify your portfolio strategically. Both Wint Wealth and Grip Invest have securitized investment opportunities so that retail investors can invest their hard-earned money effortlessly. Both platforms offer unrelated assets to help portfolio diversification and consistently gain high returns. They offer investments that are subject to credit default risks when it comes to bonds. Risk is the most common factor in all these platforms. They have a high risk of liquidity and fraud. The main reason why these platforms give protection is that they are collateralized. Various start-ups fail and lose capital. There is a chance that they may have invested all their money in stocks or bonds with the help of these platforms. When their start-up fails, they lose all their money, even the invested ones. This policy is the same for all platforms.

Dissimilarities between Wint Wealth and Grip Invest

Here are some things that separate these two apps and what makes Grip invest a Wint Wealth alternative.

Though both of these are online investment platforms, the type of investments they make is different from each other. Wint does senior, secured bonds of NBFCs (Non-banking financial companies) type of investment, but Grip uses securitized asset leases, start-up equity, venture capital, and all the inventory and commercial real estate are asset-backed. Wint allows a minimum investment of 10,000 rupees, but the same is not the case with Grip. With Grip, you can invest a minimum of 10,000 rupees in asset leases and inventory and a maximum of 1,00,000 rupees for commercial real estate and venture capital. The tenure of investment is generally up to two years with Wint, whereas Grip offers a variety of tenors depending on the type of investment. Here, inventory investments range from 1-6 months, asset-backed leases from 24-36 months, real estate investments have a longer tenor, and venture capital and start-up capital are long-term up to the investment exit. Payments of return are different on both platforms. Wint mainly works with bonds, so here bond interest payments are made. These payments can be made either half-yearly or quarterly. Grip whereas provides monthly payments in case of asset-based leases and inventory and quarterly payments in case of commercial real estate and venture capital. With Wint, the maximum return yielded is around 11% p.a. pre-tax, but things are pretty different with Grip. Asset-based leases provide a return of 21% p.a. pre-tax, inventory, on the other hand, gives a 12% pre-tax yield, and venture capital provides a return based on successful listings. In terms of security, if the company gets wound up, the bonds are backed by collateral and rank first in interest payments and repayments with Wint Wealth. Grip does pay out of the cash flows of the asset because here all the asset leases, inventory, and commercial real estate are asset-backed. Venture/start-up capital is risky and subject to the successful take-off of the venture.

There are differences and similarities among these alternative investment platforms. We discussed them both. Everything about these portfolio diversifying platforms which are Wint Wealth alternative was explained, including all the pros and cons. Let us now talk about Wint Wealth competitors.

Wint Wealth Competitors

Wint Wealth is a rapidly growing online investment platform. The way people approach fixed income deposits is being changed for good and more and more companies are being launched that offer the same service differently. Wint Wealth competitors claim to provide secure bonds to retail investors with higher return rates and lesser risks. Here are the two main competitors of Wint Wealth.

Pyse: It is another alternative asset to diversify your investment. Pyse is an online investment platform that allows high-net-worth individuals to invest large sums of money in sustainable projects so that they can yield higher returns by making fractional investments. LegalPay: LegalPay is a tech-focused, data-driven litigation funder that allows retail investors and any other person, either from a rich class or a middle-class background, to invest in these alternative asset classes.

Retail investors nowadays are getting numerous opportunities for alternative investments in different assets and classes. Wint Wealth and its alternatives provide an ideal opportunity to diversify your portfolio and minimize the unsystematic risk of losing all your investments. Also Read: Wint Wealth Review Here are some commonly asked questions regarding Wint Wealth and its alternatives.

  1. What kind of partnership do Zerodha and GoldenPi have?  Zerodha used its VC arm and Rainmatter to invest in GoldenPi. They are strategic business partners and work together to uplift each other’s companies and provide value to their customer’s life by helping them invest in a much better way.
  2. Explain bonds and their types.  Bonds have a fixed rate of return and are issued mainly by the government. Different types of bonds are explained below:

Government bonds State bonds Municipal bonds Public bonds Corporate bonds Taxable bonds Tax-free bonds

  1. How are bonds different from NCDs?  NCDs (non-convertible debentures) are debt instruments that provide fixed returns and are issued by corporates to raise capital. In contrast, bonds are considered senior debt securities and are usually issued by government entities.

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