What is the energy sector?

Natural gas, oil, and electricity come under the energy sector and are responsible for reducing energy consumed daily. However, the energy industry and the energy sector are two different sectors, but these phrases are used interchangeably and have subtle differences. Therefore, the energy industry is responsible for contributing to energy production. The energy industry is also divided into sectors- renewable and non-renewable energy. Renewable energy naturally gets recharged at the sources like wind, sun, etc., whereas non-renewable energy has a finite limit.

Different types of Energy Companies

Given below are three categories into which energy companies are divided.

1. Renewable

Renewable energy naturally recharges itself with natural sources like solar, wind, and geothermal. It can also refer to as clean energy. Equipment like battery-powered solar panels and wind turbines are some most common pieces related to renewable energy.

2. Gas and Oil

When oil is burned, it produces heat and power turbines that create electricity. Saudi Aramco has the largest oil production company in the world. The major reason for the boom in this industry is because of the key role of oil in the present day.

3. Refining and Pipeline

Oil refining is a process in which oil is heated or boiled and separated into different components, from butane to diesel fuel. This is usually done through the pipeline that runs hundreds of thousands of miles below the earth’s surface. Some larger energy and oil provider companies are ExxonMobil, Marathon, BP, and Chevron.

Top 22 Companies in the Energy Field

According to some estimates, it is said that renewable energy makes up more than 29% of worldwide electricity consumption and it will rise more in the future. Thus, many people are trying to learn about the benefits of solar panels, wind, and hydropower. In the future, energy companies will thrive as the world will move on from traditional fuel.


AECOM is one of the top energy companies founded in 1990. It has its headquarters in Los Angeles, California. It is an infrastructure consulting company that adds engineering and architecture experience expertise with sustainable practices. Also, AECOM helps its customers or clients meet the top high standard in air quality with natural resources management and other areas. With more than 200 professionals, it is one of the largest and most experienced companies in the energy sector.

2. Plant

The Plant company was founded in 2010. It has its headquarters in San Francisco, California. This company majorly analyzes weather. From this data, they can easily understand ecological conditions. They use geographical data to make safe, green, and sustainable decisions regarding environmental impact. As a result, the planet company works to help many other companies in the energy field.

3. Redaptive

Redaptive was founded in 2015. It has its headquarters in San Francisco, California. Redaptive companies rent or own their office spaces to other companies who need help to transition their pre-existing environment to cleaner power. As a result, it markets its services as EaaS, enables its clients to plan, provides sustainable, clean energy solutions, and increases saving by charging for energy usage with monthly bills.

4. Inspire

Inspire was founded in 2014. It has its headquarters in Santa Monica, California. Inspire is a company that is focused on replacing electricity with renewable energy. It aims to spread renewable energy throughout the world at an affordable price.

5. Encamp

Encamp was founded in 2017. It works remotely and helps other companies stay green and sustainable and direct environmental assent by providing them with a condensed platform for overcoming risks, assessing rules and regulations, and filling out paperwork.

6. Sealed

Sealed was founded in 2012. It has its headquarters in New York. Its primary responsibility is to provide holistic service suites to homeowners searching to make perfect use of energy and maximize their savings by offering everything from air sealing and insulation installation to their intelligent home technology. The customers have to pay after they have experienced remarkable improvement in their energy usage. They make sure that home-owning customers get satisfaction for what they are paying for—they have partnered with some other companies in the energy field, like the Hudson Valley region, which are foremost energy providers, including NationalGrid and NYSEG.

7. Wunder

Wunder comes under the top energy companies. It was founded in the year 2014 and is headquartered in Boulder, Colorado. Its primary function is to focus on the financing aspects of renewable energy sources, deliver a different type of construction and manage pricing information to individual and skilled customers. Its main aim is to make energy financing more accessible and transparent for the customer by providing them with a web platform through which their clients can give away loans, maintain offers, and document their projects to manage rules and regulations complaints. Rather than jumping through hoops, customers can connect directly with a bank for loans and other specialty financiers. Their customers or clients can submit online loan applications and connect easily with builders.

8. Apeel

Apeel was founded in 2012 and is headquartered in Goleta, California. Its advanced technology locks the water and slows oxidation, making fruits and vegetables last long for an extended period. It helps to expand the seniority of perishable or biodegradable foods and develop edible, plant-based sealants, which can help maintain moisture and freshness of the food level for production.

9. Enervee

Enervee is one of the best companies in the energy field, which was founded in the year 2010. It has its headquarters in Los Angeles, California. Enervee is a web application that helps the customer with the energy regulations score of household appliances. It helps shoppers to increase control over their energy usage and choices.

10. Span

Span is a startup-based company founded by the former product head of Tesla in 2018. It has its headquarters in San Francisco, California. It is a company that mainly focuses on remodeling electric circuits for old homes by providing them with a digital substitute for traditional fuse boxes to make them families with the power usage. They make their customers understand how and where their energy is most expanded and make adjustments if necessary. It is easy to use and can save you money. Also Read: 13 Best Paying Jobs in Marine Transportation

11. Sidewalk Labs

Sidewalk Labs was founded in 2015 to transform urban spaces into green, sustainable and budget-friendly communities. They partner with city organizations and corporations to create new models of urban planning. It has its headquarters in New York. They predicted the future impacts of higher rent and climate change. It is an urban planning and infrastructure subsidiary of Google.

12. Back Market

Back Market was founded in 2014 and is one of the top energy companies. It has its headquarters in Brooklyn, New York. It aims to reduce waste caused by device obsolescence by creating advanced technology that can expand the lifespan of mobile and desktop-like products. The company’s objective is to give its customers more budget-friendly device options and to prevent more use of products from winding up in landfills. It offers refurbished products to companies like Samsung, Apple, and GoPro.

13. Sphera

Sphera was founded in 2016. It has its headquarters in Chicago, Illinois. It aims to maintain a strong focus on environmental protection and sustainability. Sphera delivers risk management software to a network of companies worldwide. It offers services in over 100 countries and has more than 8000+ customers. Sphera has a professional working team for companies hailing from numerous industries and is the company that serves enterprises in life sciences, construction, production, and retail.

14. LevelTen Energy

LevelTen Energy was founded in 2016. It has its headquarters in Seattle, Washington. It is responsible for the transition of green power. They are the leading providers of renewable transaction infrastructure. Their advanced market technology also provides customers with a portfolio of energy providers and many other options for streamlining the network and transaction process between parties.

15. Heliogen

Heliogen is another top energy company that was founded in the year 2013. It has its headquarters in Pasadena, California.

16. Molekule

It was founded in the year 2014. It has its headquarters in San Francisco, California. Molekule manufactures products like air purifiers powered by nanotechnology and is built to separate toxins from the air, which can help sensitive people breathe properly. Its products are pretty different from conventional air purifiers, which confine small particles in filters by depending on advanced technology that destroys harmful pollutants, bacteria, viruses, and fumes on a molecular level.

17. Mosaic Building Group

Mosaic Building Group was founded in the year 2011. It is a solar and clean energy financing company responsible for connecting home improvers and families to budget-friendly financing options through its condensed point-of-sale application. Its advanced technology manages and simplifies loan negotiation processes by removing hurdles and confusion so homeowners can adopt green and sustainable energy more efficiently.

18. Prescriptive Data, Inc

It was founded in the year 2015. It has its headquarters in New York. Prescriptive Data, Inc focuses on consumption and utilizing power in the right way. It provides energy to the office, residential spaces, and communal buildings.

19. Uplight

Uplight was founded in 2004. It has its headquarters in Boulder, Colorado. It partners with utility companies like Unitil and National Grid, delivering cutting-edge workflow software products to other companies worldwide. They use the latest technology services to help preserve energy and utilities and provide personalized services to seize customers’ attention.

20. Aurora Solar

Aurora is one of the prominent companies in the energy field, which was founded in the year 2013. It uses energy-efficient cloud computing technology to create the best possible solutions to help energy technicians manage their workflow and deliver better analysis to their clients or customers. It allows the engineers to manage financing, modeling, and sales and allows compliance from one unified or particular location.

21. HDR

HDR was founded in 1917. It has headquarters in Omaha, Nebraska. HDR has a long-standing existence in architecture and design. It continues to innovate with environment-friendly solutions. It focuses on renewable energy and features a portfolio that incorporates hydro, solar, and wind energy. HDR also emphasizes environmental science and pays attention to structuring impact on their surroundings, ecosystem, and communities.

22. NextEra Energy

NextEra Energy is a company mainly focusing on renewable energy like solar and wind power. It works to provide renewable energy. This company converts leading energy consumption into renewable material and re-energizes the environment. It also provides a green, sustainable, environment-friendly solution to its customers, empowers the team, and grows shareholders’ value. It aims to eliminate carbon emissions until 2045.

Advantages of Career in the Energy Field

Have you worked hard on your qualifications and are searching for a job in the renewable energy sector? There are several reasons to enter renewable energy and make it your profession. One of the most significant advantages of working in the renewable energy field is that energy, in some form or another, will always be required in society. That is why this sector is very profitable; there are constantly fresh and interesting chances to take advantage of and learn from. Renewable energy is an industry that is always evolving, so you will always be learning and getting stimulated. Because the renewable energy industry encompasses a wide range of firms, enterprises, and sectors, there are several job prospects for anyone prepared to take the jump. An engineer may find oneself working in operations, putting their talents and expertise to use to sustain and innovate energy in many forms, depending on their specialism. There are many chances in administration, finance, legal, and human resources for people who are neither technicians nor engineers. Administration teams are required in almost every firm and industry, and these responsibilities are as crucial in the renewable energy sector. It is a diversified sector with many positions and specializations. People with different kinds of expertise, knowledge and skill-set can create a profession in administration, communications, human resources, education, and other fields. With so much potential to develop, diversify, and increase your knowledge, the only limits to where your renewable energy career may take you are the ones you impose on yourself. Also Read: What Companies are in the Basic Industries Field?

Some other Companies in the Energy Field

Many companies are involved in the energy field. Given below are some more companies sorted into three categories that belong to the energy field.

Fossil fuels: Chevron, Shell, BHP Billiton, Coterra energy Non-fossil fuels: Hydro-Quebec, Vestas, Trina Solar Nuclear: Commonwealth fusion system, General fusion, Exelon Corporation

Best Jobs in the Energy Industry

The Energy Industry is vast and there are many types of jobs available in it. Some of the best ones are mentioned below.

1. Nuclear power reactor operation

Nuclear power reactor operations investigate, examine and change a reactor’s control rods that make sure the reactor receives a proper amount of electricity to utilize accordingly. They operate tools like cooling systems, reactors, turbines, generators, commerce, and end equipment items throughout the operation and can record any data generated by any of these machines.

2. Geologist

The primary responsibility of geologists is to manage and operate the earth’s processes, history, and other materials. They use all the provided information to understand better how it will affect the environment by keeping it healthy & safe for humans and animals. This is one of the energy industry’s most reputed and best jobs in the energy industry.

3. Solar installer

Solar installers’ primary responsibility is to convert solar energy to electricity through solar panels and other similar devices.

4. Water treatment specialist

Water treatment specialists are responsible for installing water purification technologies in different areas to ensure that residents can have safe and pure drinking water when needed. However, running water quality tests is essential to ensure that water is free from bacteria, illnesses, and other threatening compounds in our daily activities.

5. Chemist

Chemists are mainly responsible for conducting tests on chemical products and analyzing their compositions. In the energy field

6. Energy engineers

Energy engineers work under supervision and provide engineers full support in their field and also help in various projects and assignments. The engineers assess system performance by developing system design, overseeing construction, maintenance, and operating different activities. They are also responsible for investigating incidents, troubleshooting systems, testing different materials, and performing other assignments. Bachelor’s degree in engineering is required for this position. They must have good oral and written communication skills and strong analytical capabilities. They write technical reports, communicate findings and analyses to customers and stakeholders and monitor utility data to determine clients’ energy performance parameters.

7. Environmental technician

This is among the best job in the energy industry. Their major duties are preparing and maintaining documentation and repair equations, operating pumps, generators, and monitoring equipment; administration responsibility; field project management activities, research projects, and presentations. Bachelor’s degree in a science-related field is required.

8. Urban planner

Urban planners are responsible for analyzing and summarizing provided data for space utilization, programming requirements, and developing graphics using AutoCAD, Illustrator, and other software. They also provide asset evaluation analysis for US Marine Corps installation and provide support on-site vision and planning charrette. They must have a bachelor’s degree in urban planning or urban studies.

9. Wind turbine technician

Wind turbine technicians are responsible for the safe operation and maintenance of the turbine and the balance of the plant. They perform guidance of leading turbines and do several routine schedules in maintenance and troubleshooting the wind turbines as assigned to improve uptime and production. They know about performing scheduled and unscheduled maintenance on the wind turbine to increase uptime and production.

10. Solar consultant

Solar consultants are responsible for conducting scheduled residential energy consultations and helping homeowners apply for solar energy programs or upgrades when they make financial sense. They are also responsible for managing a large project, and they analyze every step of the fulfillment process to manage efficiency. They must have a bachelor’s degree in any field.

Future of Energy Field

Companies in the energy field provide essential resources like electricity and power. There are a lot of opportunities in renewable energy. Saudi Aramco, ExxonMobile, Chevron Corporation, and Shell are the top four energy companies. Moreover, Octopus energy will be one of the top energy companies in 2022. Ebico was rated the second-best energy supplier company. Both these companies are followed by bulb energy and pure planet. The industries continue to increase and grow, with significant energy companies committing to increase their renewable energy resources like wind, solar, and battery power. With the increased interest in renewable energy, there is high demand for new companies and jobs. In 2020, the United States became the most significant energy supplier in the world of crude oil and petroleum products for the first time since 1949. It also became the world’s largest exporter of liquid natural gas in July 2022. Also Read: What Companies are in the Consumer Services Field? Here are some common questions that people have when looking to enter the energy field. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), civil or air quality and environmental engineering are the highest-paying energy jobs. However, environmental engineers earned a minimum salary of up to $96,820, and civil engineers earned a minimum salary of around $88,050 in 2021. The fastest-growing energy field is solar energy. Solar panels are seen on roofs or the side of homes and offices, converting sunlight to emery using a photoelectric effect. Therefore, solar energy is the fastest-growing field. Yes, energy engineers are in high demand, and this field’s average growth is very fast. They are responsible for innovative solutions for energy production and consumption. To reduce the impact of energy production, they create environmentally friendly solutions. Many positions in a tech job need high qualifications and experienced professionals—several jobs reference PhD level requirements. Tech jobs require engineering or another science field education background. However, companies with senior-level positions in tech are most likely to have entry-level or junior positions. The primary energy sources include fossil fuels like petroleum, natural gas, and coal, which are sources of nuclear energy and renewable energy sources. Electricity is a secondary energy source generated from primary sources of energy.

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