SpaceX Stock Price Chart Analysis

Investing is a tricky thing. You need to be able to read charts, have knowledge of fundamentals and technicals, know to predict movement, etc. Even with knowledge of all this stuff, there is no guarantee that you will go ahead and make the right call. Especially when it comes to SpaceX stock NASDAQ. But before we learn about SpaceX stock IPO, let us learn about the company.

What is SpaceX?

SpaceX or Space Exploration Technologies Corp. is the company founded by the richest man on Earth, Elon Musk. It is a spacecraft manufacturing, launching, and satellite communication company. The company’s headquarters are in Hawthorne, California, and the company was founded in 2002. We all know how much Musk wants to colonize Mars and in a bid to make that dream a reality, he started this company to make space transportation costs cheaper. Today, the company has more than 12,000 employees and is regularly in the news for one reason or the other. One of the products manufactured by the company is Starlink communication satellites which have been used to provide a network in Ukraine in the aftermath of the Ukraine-Russia war. The company also has a constellation of these satellites to provide commercial internet service and it includes 3,000 small satellites. The company in its young lifespan has already managed to create a lot of new feats one of which has been to recover a spacecraft after its orbit completion. Someday we might be able to head to Mars and we would all know which company to thank. When you visit the website of SpaceX you can get to see the flights of their recent missions. The company has its own Twitter account, YouTube channel, and more social media handles where you can follow them and get regular updates about them. SpaceX is a private company as of now which means that it is not listed on NASDAQ and is not tradable at least on the market. So there is no SpaceX stock NASDAQ. However, this has not stopped the company from becoming the most valued startup in the history of the US and is more than 100× into a unicorn company. Ever since its launch, the company has been rewriting history and is forcing the hand of other companies to reduce their expenditure when it comes to space missions and launches. Such has been the meteoric rise of the company that even NASA has invested in the spacecraft company which has helped the US to get 70% of the commercial launch segment, a figure which used to be 0 until 2012. Apart from that, it has also given NASA a reality check on its rocket building price and its contract process which increased their expenditure more. Let us learn more about SpaceX stock NASDAQ and SpaceX stock IPO.

SpaceX Stock Price Chart

SpaceX is one of the biggest if not the biggest spacecraft or space-related companies not just in the US but the world. Ever since its inception it has been challenging other companies on all fronts and has so far been winning everywhere. This however has not stopped them from going for more and growing in terms of valuation or otherwise. The company is private and not on NASDAQ but that is about to change soon as its Starlink Project is about to step into the stock market with its IPO. Yes, that’s right, Starlink Project will soon be on NASDAQ and tradable. The wait only remains until when the cash flow of the company can be predicted well as per the company founder, Elon. Once this stock comes to the market you know it will be a big thing as it is surely one of the most anticipated IPOs. For now, you might not be able to trade SpaceX stocks or look at the SpaceX stock price chart but at least we will have Starlink stock and the Starlink stock price chart to look at while we wait for the SpaceX IPO. If we were to talk about SpaceX then we could still look at other facts and figures related to it. SpaceX looks to make space travel as cheap as 20,000 dollars a seat which is much cheaper than their competitors. The company was valued at 74 billion dollars in 2021 as per Elon himself and the company sold the stocks to investors privately to raise 850 million dollars. Also, the 3,000 satellites that the company has in space will supposedly be 10,000 someday and from that, the company plans to provide internet to its users and earn as much as 30 billion dollars a year.

SpaceX Funding

SpaceX first got funding of 12.1 million dollars in December 2002 after the company started on March 14 of the same year. Then the next funding the company received was worth 22 million dollars and it came in March 2005. Two years later in March 2007, the company received 31.5 million dollars. Then in August 2008, the company raised 20.4 million dollars. The next round of funding saw the company raise 47.3 million dollars in June 2009. This was followed by 50.6 million dollars in funding in October 2010. In November 2015 the company raised a billion dollars which is its second-ever highest funding. Then in November 2017, the company raised 452.3 million dollars. The next funding round was concluded in April 2018 with new capital of 214 million dollars being raised. In January 2019 the company raised a further 273.2 million dollars followed by 500 million dollars in May, 314 million dollars in June, and 3 million dollars in October of the same year. In 2020 the company raised 221.2 million dollars in March and a personal record highest funding of 1.9 billion dollars in August of the same year. The last known funding came in February 2021 which was worth 850 million dollars. Now that might not be the SpaceX stock price chart but it surely is a chart that has the figures that you need to look at closely.

SpaceX Stock Price History

If you closely follow Elon Musk and his businesses then you know that SpaceX is the most crucial asset that he holds and it is the reason behind his mammoth valuation which crossed the 200 billion dollar mark comfortably. Over the years his company raised a lot of funds by privately selling shares and it will continue to be that way until he does decide to go for an IPO and make the company public. However, he does not have a lot of reasons to go public and this should help you understand why the stock is not yet listed. In 2019 the company had various funding rounds where in May they raised 500 million dollars. It is said that for this the company unloaded close to 2.7 million shares. The valuation of the company was understood to be 30.5 billion dollars back then and each share was valued at 186 dollars. Fast forward to 2021 and the company was now valued at more than 100 billion dollars which meant more than triple growth. And the shares that were once priced at 186 dollars were now worth 419.99 dollars as was revealed when the company raised 850 million dollars in 2021. This pushed the company valuation up by 60% and the stock price more than doubled. So that is just one big reason why Elon won’t be too keen on making his golden egg public. Mind you the figures are from 2021 and we are in 2022 end which means the numbers might have gone up significantly considering that Musk recently also became the owner of social media giant Twitter. Apart from that, he is a person who believes that he has what it takes to change the world, and his work style and decision-making have been the difference maker for the company. All this has been possible because the company is private and works mostly under his command. Making the company public would mean slowing down the process and giving them a share of ownership and decision-making power in the company operations which would not sit well with him. Moreover, the SpaceX stock price history has seen some of the biggest jumps in funding in the past few years while the company valuation has rocked sky high. Why would he give that all away just to raise a few more million or billion dollars? The company recently received offers worth 6 billion dollars in a space of 3 days from a funding round. With the numbers that are here in play, no one should expect to see the stock on the market anytime soon which would mean that there also won’t be a SpaceX stock price chart available for us to see anytime soon. Let us shift focus to SpaceX stock NASDAQ. Also Read: Are Teslas Worth it? An Analysis

SpaceX Stock NASDAQ

NASDAQ is the stock exchange of the US that is based in New York City. It was founded in 1971 on February 8th. The stock exchange has so far been home to 3,554 companies and as of 2021, its market valuation was 19.4 trillion dollars. Most of the top companies in the US can be found listed on NASDAQ and SpaceX is one of the top companies in the country which is what makes its absence on the platform shocking yet obvious. Tesla is on the exchange and soon Starlink will be too but for the time being SpaceX seems to have no plans to join them. As explained above, Elon has good reasons to not get SpaceX listed and so there isn’t an IPO planned for the near future. SpaceX stock NASDAQ, for now, remains a dream as does seeing the SpaceX stock price chart on any investment app for the foreseeable future. However, its last known price was 419.99 dollars which might now be close to 500 dollars or more, this makes the stock too pricey for the average retail investor. So the real question is would the stock find many takers from the retail section with the stock being priced this high and the valuation being so high that the whole for growth almost seems none? Now you know all about SpaceX Stock NASDAQ.

How to Buy SpaceX Stock?

So from what the article has explained so far, it should be clear to you that SpaceX shares are not purchasable through the open market. There is no IPO or SpaceX Stock NASDAQ listing that you can opt for so do we quit pursuing it or is there another way? How to buy SpaceX stock if they aren’t available the traditional way? In 31 funding rounds to date, the company has managed to raise 10 billion dollars with 2 billion dollars coming in 2022 considering only till July. Post that, on August 8, 2022, another round of funding took place. With so many funding rounds happening and new capital flowing in you would wonder if there is a way to invest in SpaceX stock and there certainly is. Forge Global/Sharespost, EquityZen, SciFi, Nasdaq Private Market, and EquityBee are some of the pre-IPO marketplace options that you can turn to when wanting to invest in the stock of a Private company. These platforms acquire shares of a private company through early investors who wish to sell their stock or from the employees who purchased the shares using the employee stock option and now wish to dispose of them. These platforms may or may not have what you are looking for and there might be a few requirements that you might need to meet to be able to go ahead with the investment. TD Ameritrade, Fidelity and Charles Schwab are those platforms that allow you to invest in an IPO itself. If you meet the requirements in place then you might be able to grab SpaceX stocks provided they are available. The shares you acquire in this stage might not be as many as you would have wished for and they come with a lock-in period as well and are also a bit pricey compared to the pre-IPO price but come with more security of being sellable in the future. The last and the most reliable and traditional way to invest in SpaceX stock would be to go for the IPO. Yes, there is no update on when it will take place or if it ever will go through but yet it is the safest path of investing. Also, the shares will be fairly priced here and you might be able to get them in your desired quantity. You would also have no restrictions on holding or selling them. When you purchase the stock from IPO you can also look access more data about it easily and you would also be able to look at the SpaceX stock price chart and make your calculations and assumptions by looking at different patterns, fundamentals, and technical aspects which might help you make a better decision than you would when purchasing the stock using previous two methods. Note: The writer does not have any idea about the pre-IPO investment and investment in the IPO itself and so you should learn more about it before proceeding ahead with it. Also, it is not recommended to go about investing that way but just an accumulation of data on possible channels to invest in a stock.

SpaceX Stock IPO

If reports are to be believed then the Starlink IPO takes place no sooner than 2025 or even later. With SpaceX stock IPO yet to be announced one would think that it is safe to say that the latter will only get an IPO after the former does. So the SpaceX IPO might not even be here by 2025 or 2030. Starlink’s IPO might bring changes to the plans of SpaceX as its IPO will set a precedent for SpaceX. But with SpaceX, Elon has got a gold mine that has been able to raise more than 10 billion dollars privately while not selling away the ownership powers and rights so it is hard to see why he would change it for a few million dollars when he could just raise more money privately. However, if hypothetically we do even get a SpaceX IPO by say 2027 or sometime close to then, history tells us that the company share was valued close to 180 dollars in 2019, and the figure reached 419.99 dollars by 2021. And if the company grows further which it surely will, with the plans for Starlink bringing in more than 30 billion dollars a year shortly, the price of the share might cross the 1,000 dollar mark or more and it would anyway become too pricey for the retail investor. Again this would make no sense for the company to make such a company public and so the IPO of SpaceX more or less will become an unrealized dream. Also Read: What is RatCoin Elon Musk?

SpaceX Stock Split

A stock once launched can go down several ways. A stock might get you a bonus stock, there might be right issues, dividends, stock splits, and more. However, all this usually happens with a stock after its launch so does it even make sense to talk about the SpaceX stock split? Of course, it does. SpaceX stock split happened earlier this year and it made the share more affordable for the common man. In February 2022 the company stock was expected to be valued at 560 dollars each. This means that you could just have gotten 20 shares for 11,200 dollars. However, the company split its stock in a ratio of 10:1. What does that mean? This means that the stock value is diluted from 560 dollars per share to just 56 dollars per share with your quantity increasing. So now 11,200 dollars would get you 200 shares. A move like this sees the share price go down to a more affordable rate while the valuation of your holding remains the same because the number of total shares and shares held by you is adjusted as well. Throughout the article, we talk about the stock being unaffordable for the regular retail investor but it is a move like this that brings them back into the picture. Also, these moves are pulled off for reasons like these and don’t have anything underlying that you need to worry about.

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