Pacaso Homes Reviews: A Detailed Look

Investing in real estate has always been a safe option. But with time, the way people invest in real estate has also changed. Pacaso homes in the result of that change. It is a place where buying land is a simple process. Let us learn more about them including Pacaso homes competitors and Pacaso homes stock price.

What are Pacaso Homes?

From the real estate sector, Pacaso homes is a property broker that has its headquarters in San Francisco, California, US. The company was founded in 2020 on October 1st and is just two years old. Austin Allison and Spencer Rascoff founded the company that now has 200 employees and claims to be the company that achieved unicorn status the fastest among all American companies. This company is not just present in the US but around the world and has entered 50 markets or so already. That’s not it, the company will surely aim to grow further. If we were to understand their business then it would be about learning a simple and modern concept. The company buys homes and then sells them to a group of people. No, it’s not a scam, the people who opt to purchase this property all become shareholders and joint owners of the home. Now depending on their understanding and use, the home can be used by all the parties as and when they please. This is more or less a more advanced timeshare model but not the traditional one and here you can sell your ownership or stake in the house after a year. With Pacaso homes you are buying your second home which can also be your holiday home or work home or just your second property. The platform lets you be a 1/8th owner or partner in a property which brings the cost down for you significantly on a second property and makes it super affordable. Using this platform you can own a home that you might not have thought of owning in your wildest dreams. You can also resell your share in the home in 12 days and gain 12% from it which is another good point for you. For now, the app operates in the US, the UK, and some parts of the European Union which mean you can check for listings in those places and buy a second home. You can check the listings, take a tour and then make a decision to buy a property that you like. The app also allows the owners to schedule or book their slot to use the home so that it does not clash with other owners. Apart from this, you can also make 3% for successful referrals and 1% on resale from this company. Later on, we will learn about Pacaso homes competitors and Pacaso homes stock price.

Pacaso Homes Reviews

Today’s world is review-oriented and you can’t get people to do something or visit some place unless you can prove to them in advance that it is worth their time and money. Do you want to make a plan for a movie? Show the reviews. Want to visit a new food joint on the block? Show the review. That’s just how it is these days and so it would only make sense for people to ask about Pacaso homes reviews as you would need a good reason to go ahead and interact with the platform. Now if you just visited the Pacaso website then you would have enough positive reviews from its current and past clients that have dealt with the platform and found it super useful. You have all kinds of people and families sharing their experiences of funding a second home using Pacaso and how happy they are with it. Not only this few owners have also mentioned how they can further sell the house as new buyers are lined up. All in all, it’s all good stuff in here, but what about the reviews outside of the website? First, we headed to Trustpilot to check for Pacaso homes reviews and the overall rating it had gotten was 4.6 stars. The ratings came in courtesy of 81% 5-star ratings that the platform received. Be it the management, the treatment received, the second home factor, or the stay, everything about the platform was perfect as shared by the people in their reviews. It’s not like everything mentioned out there was good, the platform did receive a few 4-star, 3-star, and 1-star reviews as well. Some of these reviews also cover Pacaso homes competitors and Pacaso homes stock price. On the other hand, users on Reddit had a different thing going on. They were more critical and doubtful of Pacaso, its business model, and its operations. If they could give away stars then they might have given a 2-star rating or so to Pacaso in my opinion. But that’s how it is, you have some fans and some people who doubt stuff and it is good to consider both sides and see which appeals more to you. So we would say that the app for now has more people committed to the idea than against it. Now let us learn about Pacaso homes competitors.

Pacaso Homes Competitors

Pacaso operates in the real estate sector which is what makes them prone to competition. Real estate is one of the busiest areas with a lot of competition going on with no party being able to claim monopoly or establish total control. That is what makes Pacaso homes just one of the top real estate companies and not the top most. In its bid to succeed and grow the company has quite a few players that it competes with on a business level and otherwise. Zillow: Zillow is one of the real estate companies that are competitors of Pacaso among others. It is a platform that allows you to buy, sell or rent a home. You can check for homes across the US and also check for mortgage rates. One can search for homes, location-wise, and then take a tour of them before one decide to go ahead with your purchase. You can also check for home loans, find an agent or manage rentals through this platform which makes it a multi-tasker and a perfect competitor. CoBuy: Their concept is more or less similar to Pacaso where they help the user find a property that is simple, safe, and affordable to co-own. The platform claims to have received a 4.9-star rating from its users with a lot of users also penning positive reviews for them. The platform also claims that it helps the users save time and money and be relaxed throughout the process as their team of experts guides you through the process. CoHome: The name kind of gives away the business that the company is into. This platform helps you find people, a community, etc. of like-minded people with whom you can co-share homes. The platform is UK-based and more or less has a similar concept to CoBuy as you can rent a property with others and make the most of it. The website of platform has a lot of positive reviews from people who have used their services in the past. Simply put, above you have a few competitors of the Pacaso platform. Be it US-based or UK based or anywhere in the world, real estate will always have a competitive environment with newer players coming up. There are many more similar platforms out there which of course don’t get a mention here but if you would check for them then you would know just how filled this market segment is. This was all about Pacaso homes competitors. Next up is Pacaso homes stock price. Also Read: 24 Best Paying Jobs in Real Estate Investment Trusts

Pacaso Homes Stock Price

Pacaso homes reviews article is not complete without mentioning the stock of the company. Whenever we are talking about a company of this big stature we are always intrigued as to how the company is doing in the stock market and behind the scenes and it is only natural. However, Pacaso so far is a private company whose share is not traded in the market openly. This means that there is no buy or sell happening and no listing on NASDAQ or any stock exchange. So far the company has gone through 2 funding rounds, the first took place in October 2020 and the company raised 17 million dollars apart from that they also raised 250 million dollars in debt financing. The next round took place in March 2021 and the company raised 75 million dollars this time round with 1 billion dollars more raised as debt financing. By this point, the company was just 5 months old but had already become a unicorn company. As of 2021, the company was paying its agents and homeowners with successful referrals 3% of the amount and 2,500 dollars respectively. There was also a provision in place for them to get 500 restricted stock units which could only be sold after the vesting period, meaning when the company is sold or goes public. At this point, the question that arises is what the value of a share is or was. Holding or being granted the share is okay but what is the value they hold? So if we were to go by the 2021 valuation then the company was already worth more than 1 billion dollars but when it came to the shares, the common stock or equity was valued very low at 0.86 dollars each while the preferred stock had a value of 4.15 dollars each. 4.15 dollars was also the value that the people with RSUs were told to keep in mind when calculating the value of their holdings, however, this value would change when the company gets listed. Also, these shares would remain with the people even after they left Pacaso or no longer co-owned their property which is good news for them. Now you all about Pacaso homes competitors and Pacaso homes stock price.

Who owns Pacaso Homes?

Austin Allison is one-half of the founders of Pacaso. Currently, he is the CEO of Pacaso, and his dream of owning a second house and achieving it played an important part in the creation of this platform. Spencer Rascoff is the other co-founder of the company and together both of them worked at Zillow before they established this unicorn company that aimed at changing the real estate scene by making the dream of owning a second home more realistic and possible. As per the Pacaso team, in the US every year there are about 10 million second homes that sit unoccupied for 11 of the 12 months of the year and they wanted to change it to make second homes an option for more people. To do this they introduced the concept of owning 1/8th to 1⁄2 share of a property. With this move of theirs, they not only made the second homes affordable but also made a significant amount of the population capable of realizing this dream. So who owns Pacaso homes? Me, you, anyone, everyone. If you have been reading the Pacaso homes reviews article carefully then you know that these homes are out waiting to be owned by people like you and me. If you have the necessary amount of money and if you like any of their property and are satisfied being a shareholder in it then the platform is for you. Be it half ownership, quarter, or lesser, you have options to choose from and make your dream a reality. In the company sense, it is still private so the public doesn’t own it. The ownership can be attributed to its co-founders Austin and Spencer. It is they who have been overlooking the business as the CEO and Chairman that saw the company grow so rapidly. They have been responsible for making sure the company establishes a global presence within 2 years of launch and also being a unicorn company by then. It is early days but the company is still making huge strides and one final step for it might be to go public which is when the shareholders will also become its owners.

Pacaso Complaints

As mentioned earlier, we live in a time when checking reviews is the most important and go-to thing to do, be it a movie, a party, a food outlet, or even a trip to another country. Since reviews go both ways good and bad the complaints need to get as much coverage and importance as the positives. And though most of the reviews on the website and the internet are positive there are more than a few Pacaso complaints as well that the people have mentioned on various rating platforms. One of the issues that the Pacaso users have experienced has come with the management as they didn’t get things in order or place on their arrival and their experience was affected by it. While a few people were promptly helped by the managers of the place to get things back in order, a few had to deal with the bad service, and that upset them. The other problem that the people went through was that they weren’t made to expect more than Pacaso could deliver. While the place was good in general they just were hyped more than it had to offer. Though the problem of expectation is consumer-built, Pacaso could maybe have done something to make the experience better for such people and save themselves from a few Pacaso homes reviews which weren’t favorable. While there were quite a few more problems with the users of Pacaso there were also some complaints out there that were put up by their employees. Again there were positive reviews as well but some of the employees found the culture at the company to be hollow, they had to do remote work, and some wouldn’t just generally recommend others to work here which again highlighted that no company can truly be free from such stuff. Also Read: Is Real Estate Investment Trusts a Good Career Path?

Pacaso Homes – Pros and Cons

With Pacaso the overall concept is that of Fractional ownership. You buy a property in parts and are joined by other stakeholders who also own some part of the property making one property belong to multiple parties. A concept like this comes with its set of pros and cons and you should surely look at them before you choose to proceed with it or abort it.


With a platform like Pacaso that allows you to be a fractional owner, the possibility of owning a second home or even a third, or fourth home becomes reality. You get to hold some stake in multiple properties and enjoy your stay in various places at any time of the year and enjoy a luxurious life or vacation. The property you become a shareholder in also sees its value change and any positive change in the value is a profit for you if you wish to sell it in the future. Being the fractional owner brings with it the share of owning the property in a certain percentage. And this means the bigger the share you hold of the property the more time you can enjoy your stay there if you plan to use it sometime in the year. The maintenance and other costs involved with owning a home are all split amongst all the owners of the property and this takes up a lot of burden from your shoulders. You can rent out your home if the other shareholders agree to it and this means that you can make an extra income from your second home.


Since you are just a fractional owner it means you co-own the property and so every decision that you want to take needs to be agreed upon by the other shareholders. Be it maintenance matters, selling your stake in the house, or even management decisions. This takes away the flexibility and decision-making ability of the owner. In the compulsion to use the second home, you might limit your holiday options and might end up visiting the same place every year making the vacations boring and repetitive. The property you become a shareholder in also sees its value change and any negative change in the value is a loss for you if you wish to sell it in the future. You own the property in fractions and that means you only get to stay in the house as per your share of ownership. Also, you might not be able to book your vacation as per wish as there are other owners with whom you have to consult and cooperate.

So that draws the curtains on Pacaso homes reviews. By the end of the article, we shared with you the pros and cons that you should consider when dealing with a platform of this kind. So that might help you decide if you want to go for Pacaso or Pacaso homes competitors. For those interested in making an investment in the stock of the company instead of their homes we have shared updates on Pacaso homes stock price. For now, you know it is the two founder who owns Pacaso homes but someday it might go public so that time there might be more data available on its stock.

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