Every day, numerous cases are heard and filed of domestic violence, and the major reason behind it is that people don’t know who to approach and seek help from. Every woman in the country must be aware of their rights and domestic violence helpline number so that no one can take them for granted.

Find Domestic Violence Helpline, Counseling, and Support in India

What is Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is a behavior pattern where the partner is abused in a domestic setting just because they want to take control over the other partner. The abuse can be of various types, such as physical, mental, sexual, emotional, economic, or verbal. In maximum cases, the violence is faced by the woman from her partner or his family members. Remember, domestic violence can be done by your parents or other family members too. To overcome domestic violence, it is imperative that domestic violence counseling and support is provided to the females, and the awareness is increased.

Who can be affected by Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is not limited to any gender, sex, or age; it can happen with any individual. It has been seen that children who see domestic violence happening at their home follow the same things when they grow up. Hence, the victim must seek timely help so that they can save themselves and their children. 

When should you raise your voice?

There are times when, initially, females think that violence is justified because of their own mistakes. But, that is wrong as gradually she gets trapped in the abusive environment, and then she tries to adjust herself to suit the abuser. Then coming out of this vicious circle seems very tough and next to impossible.  A lot of women are scared to file a case or report as they think that their partners would get arrested or a protracted legal proceeding would bring shame to them and their family.  Public Dishonor to the family is one of the main reasons why females stay trapped in the abusive environment. But, that should not be the case; instead, they should be completely aware of the remedial actions and support that they can get from the government and other such bodies.  Only beating is not considered as domestic violence; there are other elements as well. Ask yourself-

Are you being harassed by your husband or in-laws? Do they blame you for everything? Were you asked to leave your marital home? Do they ever beat or use abusive language while talking?

If you think the answer to any of these questions is yes, then it is time to raise your voice as there are various legal rights that can make a significant difference in your present and future life. 

Types of Domestic Abuse

As mentioned above, several women don’t even realize that they are being abused as they think that beating and using foul language is domestic violence. In various cases, the female’s family also does not support them because of the shame and guilt surrounding issues like this.  It is substantial for a woman to understand domestic violence signs and how they should react in such situations. Here are the types of abuse for you-

Emotional Abuse- In this type of abuse, the other partner tries to control you by calling names and blaming you for every situation, even for their abuse. When you get emotionally abused, gradually, you start losing self-confidence, and that makes it even tougher to reach out for help. Sexual Abuse- As the name suggests, the other partner abuses you for sex, such as does rape, sexual exploitation, or assault. This would comprise of any sexual activity which happens without your consent. Financial Abuse- There have been a lot of cases of financial abuse since women nowadays have become financially independent. Financial abuse happens when the other partner tries to control all the aspects of money, and they start taking or spending money without your permission. Another critical point is that even if they stop you from working, it is financial abuse.  Psychological Abuse- This is when your partner or any other family member gives you threats of self-harm or violence towards you, your family, or your kids. Physical abuse- This is the most known and violent domestic abuse. In this, the abuser physically harms you by hitting, kicking, biting, or doing other such things to torture you physically.

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Reasons for Domestic Violence

Well, there is no particular reason why people abuse others physically, mentally, or in any other way. It has been seen that people who have been victims in the past usually do this with others. Other reasons why people do domestic violence is when they are-

Depressed Low income Addiction Anger issues Emotional insecurity Childhood abuse Low self-esteem

The Cycle of Violence

Domestic violence slowly becomes a cycle of violence, and you wouldn’t even realize it. There are situations when your partner would abuse you and then, at some time, apologize and do things that would make you happy. This would make you forget the abuse, and you might think that he has realized the mistake. But, if this continues, it would become a trap that would be very difficult to come out from. This is one of the primary reasons females stay in abusive relationships forgetting their self-respect and the difference between right & wrong. The cycle starts with: Later, they would apologize, give an excuse, and the same steps or vicious circle would go on, which would drop your self-esteem altogether.  But do not think that there is no way out; you can reach out to the domestic violence helpline number or any other source as there can be a danger in staying with him as it can even worsen. 

Things to Remember

Don’t blame, take action- The first thing that the victim should remember is that they should not blame themselves for the abuse. Violence is not acceptable, and the abuser is 100% responsible, and they should not make excuses for the perpetrator’s actions as there are none. Keep a safe word- If you face any sort of violence, then the option of contacting the police is always open. If you do not plan to take that action, then at least ensure that you inform your friends or family. Seek help, speak up- You should never feel afraid or shy in seeking help from any professional if you face any such issue. Do not let the trauma, feelings, or emotions build within you. You can either go to a therapist or speak to someone you trust so that they can advise you better on the next course of action. Counseling- Various experts offer domestic violence counseling and support. It is advisable to take counseling as people who experience domestic violence are at a huge risk as they might suffer from serious mental health conditions such as depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, etc. To help women come out of such situations, counseling is essential.

Take Action There are a lot of people who have wrong expectations from the abuser because of which they keep on bearing domestic violence. They should take the necessary action and remember that-

Do not live with the false hope that one-day thongs might get better on their own Never entirely rely on others to save you from the abuser.’ If you are not willing to help yourself, then no one can save you. It is only YOU who can take legal and emotional action against yourself.

Domestic Violence Facts  

The first question that comes to most people’s mind is that which families face domestic violence? Usually, they think that it is present mostly in the poor or elite family. The truth is that domestic violence prevails not only in lower or middle-class families, but it is there among renowned and prominent people as well. Fortunately, the government has created a lot of domestic violence helpline so that women can reach out for help easily. As per the reports by NHFS-4, every third female in India faces domestic violence in some other ways since the age of 15. In most of the cases, the abuser was their husband. Another survey was done in which more than 31% of married women experience physical, mental, or emotional violence by their husbands. The most common type of violence is physical violence that was 27%, and then was emotional violence, which was 13%. Facts on domestic violence around the world There has been a rise in domestic violence cases not only in India but in other parts of the world as well- In France, there has been an increase of 36% in the number of domestic abuse cases in Paris and 32% in the rest of the country. They have taken a great measure; females can take help from pharmacies by saying the code word “mask19,” and they will call the police for them. There has been an alert system set across all the pharmacies across the nation there. Even in Spain, there were more cases seen in 2020 as compared to previous numbers. They have received 18% more calls and complaints regarding domestic violence. Also Read: 30 Best Home Based Business Ideas for Housewives & Moms

Domestic Violence Counseling and Support in India

Many people want to help people who are facing domestic violence; hence, they are working tirelessly to bring change and stop this torture. Here are a few domestic violence helpline communities and numbers from where you can seek help-

Abhay Helpline- They have a team of legal professionals based in Pune who commenced this initiative to stop domestic violence. They not only help people facing such issues but also take action against people who misuse the Domestic Violence Act. The reason to do this is to provide legal and moral support to the victims. Their helpline number is 09423827818. Shakti Shalini- This organization was started with the intention of giving equal rights to men and women. They try to motivate women and help them in coming out of the abuse by increasing their self-esteem. Their helpline numbers are 09711053706 and 09811390630. They provide women shelter as well; you can call them at 01124373736 in case if required.

Society for Nutrition, Education and Health Action (SNEHA)- They work for women in various of Mumbai. They counsel women and guide them on fighting against violence and other such horrifying acts. The best thing is that they also organize group sessions so that females can meet each other and motivate themselves by discussing each other’s problems. They also call the victim if they do not show up for a meeting. Their emergency contact number is 09833092463. Aks Foundation and Neo-Gandhian Aid Organizations India helpline- They have started this organization to help the survivors. It was launched in 2013, and they offer a 24hrs helpline so that they can help the victim round the clock. They have also organized a lot of workshops to spread awareness about domestic violence rights and other such options. Their contact number is 08793088814/15/16. Acharya Women’s Centre- This NGO has been opened to help females face a physical or mental issue. They not only support them but also provide them rehabilitation, training, and legal help. They also guide females to focus on new beginnings and provide them training programs for 2 years, including job placements and health care. Their contact number is 08025251929.

Here are some more helpline numbers as per a few big cities: Bengaluru Mumbai Delhi Chennai These were some of the private organizations and NGOs; let us also know about some of the government helpline numbers as well.

Government Domestic Violence Helpline numbers

NCW’s Emergency WhatsApp Number to Report Abuse: 7217735372 Women Helpline Domestic Abuse – 181 Women Helpline ( All India ) – 1091 National Commission For Women (NCW): 011-26942369/26944754 National Human Right Commission: 011-23385368/9810298900 Mumbai Police Women Helpline No.: 022-22633333/22620111 Maharashtra Women Commission (http://mscw.org.in/): 07477722424/022-26592707 Maharashtra Women Commission (http://mscw.org.in/): 07477722424/022-26592707 Delhi Commission for Women: 011-23379181/23370597 Delhi Women Protection Cell: 011-24673366/4156/ 7699

What is the first step to being taken in case of abuse?

The foremost thing that the victim should do is go to the police station and file the complaint. Also, get the medical report done so that it would act as evidence. If you are not able to go to the police station, you can dial 100 as soon as possible. After that, if you want, you can file a legal complaint against the abuser in the court; remember, while filing a complaint, mention every detail of the abuse. Recommended: 30 Best Jobs For Women In India This was about the domestic violence helpline and support numbers. It is imperative for a victim to speak out for themselves within time as it would make their life better and help their children live a better life. Speak out and stand for your rights so that you get a life that you deserve, and the abuser gets punished so that he never does the same thing with others.  Move forward and heal your wounds as that is the only method to get your life back.

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